Betting Directory News

Tuesday 6 November 2012

I know it's not gambling related, but I thought it was very interesting. I copied this from my other blog: "Scopolamine. What is it, why have we never heard about it and what is it used for? Date rape, hypnosis, robbery, hallucination, and so much more.. How soon until this is an epidemic here and not just in Columbia. I've put together a few items that will help to inform and educate. Scopolamine - The Devil's Breath This is the link to the video on You0tube. A documentary on the use and abuse of what may be one of the scariest drugs ever. The following is the direct quote from under the video: (Not a family friendly video ) "VICE's Ryan Duffy went to Colombia to check out a strange and powerful drug called Scopolamine, also known as "The Devil's Breath." It's a substance so intense that it renders a person incapable of exercising free will. The first few days in the country were a harrowing montage of freaked-out dealers and unimaginable horror stories about Scopolamine. After meeting only a few people with firsthand experience, the story took a far darker turn than we ever could have imagined." What an absolutely brutal video. People talk bluntly about how it affects them, how the body doesn't retain any memory from the affected time frame, and how they are as easily controlled as a child (mind you probably not one of my children.... but still :) ) If you are looking for even more detailed info. Check the Wiki page HERE. ‘You can guide them wherever you want,’ he explained. ‘It’s like they’re a child.’ This drug dealer talks about the uses, and his own personal experiences with the drug.
This woman was a victim and describes some of the things that happened to her.
Scopolamine is made from the Borrachero tree, which blooms with a deceptively beautiful white and yellow flower.
This drug reminds me of the drug used to make "Zombies" in the movie "The Serpent and The Rainbow" oddly enough, based on a true story and one of my favorite near fact films :) I am truly sorry if you get the Twilight Saga Marathon commercial at the beginning of that you tube clip.... nobody deserves that... on a positive note if you have some Scopolamine you can take it right away and the memory will be gone :) Anyway, I read a few articles on this earlier today in Ideas and Discoveries magazine. Not a great magazine, juvenile writing, but definitely interesting story ideas. Anyway, it was on my mind, now it's on yours :) Have a great night!!! DL"

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