Tuesday, 4 June 2013
In case I screw this all up...
Just in case I screw this all up, I have backed up everything here :http://danloewenblog.wordpress.com/
SO if i do crash this one, it's still up and available :) Now that being said, I really am not trying to screw this one up, or that one for that matter. I am just playing around with some of the settings, and haven't quite got the hang of them yet :) Anyway, Feel free to check it out, today's post was good, or go to my Empower Network page, that one was pretty good too!!! EmpowerNetwork and my Blog there. WordPress has decided in their infinite wisdom to Pooch my links to Empower, so screw you WordPress..... There is nothing worse than trying to do something and being told you can't, so on that note I have a few more screw you's... Screw you Facebook, not letting me link to where I want, you have provided me with a valuable free service, and I have taken full advantage of it, but I demand more!!! Screw you Revenue Canada, for using my money to build stuff I need... And screw you MOM for making me drink my milk and brush my teeth!!!! :) There we go!
Now I have to get to bed, tomorrow is my 4 year anniversary, and I should probably try to start it off right :)
Have a great night, and I'll see you tomorrow!!! DL
Dan Loewen

Saturday, 1 June 2013
www.CasinoCrushing.com and Roulette Strategy Video
Holy Cow, I can't believe how things are going with the new site. If you haven't had a chance to check out some of the things we've been up to. Check out www.CasinoCrushing.com. Tonight's post was a roulette strategy video, and the site really is starting to come together. I would love it if you went over and checked it out, and left me a little comment or two about what you like, don't like and would like to see there. Thanks!!! Also I have a Pintrest account now, and a Youtube channel in the works... that may well be why you haven't heard from me as much as you may have wanted. I also have probably close to 600 more articles to post and publish, as soon as I get my stuff organized, I will start in and get it done.
Anyway, have a great night, and I will be back and posting in earnest!!!
Dan Loewen

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