Holy Cow, I can't believe how things are going with the new site. If you haven't had a chance to check out some of the things we've been up to. Check out
www.CasinoCrushing.com. Tonight's post was a roulette strategy video, and the site really is starting to come together. I would love it if you went over and checked it out, and left me a little comment or two about what you like, don't like and would like to see there. Thanks!!! Also I have a Pintrest account now, and a Youtube channel in the works... that may well be why you haven't heard from me as much as you may have wanted. I also have probably close to 600 more articles to post and publish, as soon as I get my stuff organized, I will start in and get it done.

Anyway, have a great night, and I will be back and posting in earnest!!!

Dan Loewen