Betting Directory News

Sunday 14 October 2012

A different kind of gamble - part 3

So I have regaled you with the details of my work life over the last few years. Some great companies, some not so great. But that isn't the whole of it. I've always wanted to be my own boss, to work from home, and to help other people manage as well. When my daughter was born I had the great "luck" to get laid off, and spend a whole year being "Mister Mom". Spending 12 months at home with the kids, driving my son to school, and playing with my daughter ALL day.... that was the best year of my life. Going back to work after that was awful.... but it forced me to look harder at the work at home world and decide even more firmly that that's what I want. When I was in my teens and early 20's it was all about the "BIG" score, the retire by 45 and the residual income received by the sweat of the people down from me. I was expected to buy inferior products at a huge mark up, take a 10 to 20% commission and sell all my friends and family, and even any strangers that came across my path on the "Opportunity" I was giving them. I held meeting, and took phone calls, I listened to tapes, bought enough product to keep my upline happy, and went to international sales conventions. I bought books, programs, invested in coaching and mentors, to the tune of thousands of dollars. Then when I figured out I had been led along the garden path, I did it again. I have just finished paying off the last $5,000 dollar investment and have nothing but a little more frustration to show for it. Do you want to know the best part? I'd be willing to do it again.... if the right program, training, products, residual, well coached opportunity came along again. That brings us back to now. I don't like to make claims, and load people up with promises I don't know if I can keep... but I'm going to stick to this. If it takes a week, a month or a year to see something come back to me.... I'm doing it. It's no longer a matter of dabbling or trying new things, it's about drawing a line in the sand and saying THIS IS IT. So check back from time to time, see whats happening, and draw your own conclusion. Comment, be positive, be negative, let me know what you think. I'll be up front, and tell you where I'm at, whats going on and more importantly, how it's going. So I look forward to spending this time here on a daily basis, I look forward to this forcing me to be more focused, I look forward to my first sales and making a business I can be proud of. I look forward to the connections and relationships that this will offer me and will do my best to be someone that you can count on. Have a great night, I am off to bed :) DL

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